Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ice is Nice

Today I got a new fridge.  Supposedly its ice maker works and supposedly it will keep my food cold without coating it in an inch of ice.  These are all good things and things my previous fridge lacked for the past 8 months.  IF, this new appliance will work as Hickam Communities has promised... well, then it will be a good, nay, great memory.  If not, well then it will be a continued exercise in patience.  (Over an ice maker and finicky freezer... I know, I know, there are a billion other worse problems to have... But it is hot here and sometimes I really want some ice.)  Oh, I can just hear my neighbor laughing at me as I type this, saying, "Wow Ang, what you got there is a real first world problem."  She would be right.  The fridge and freezer is a blessing and I am choosing to count it, even that old one that drove me bonkers.

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