Sunday, October 19, 2014

Super Seven

My dearest Magoo,
Just now I tucked you in, turned off the lights, kissed your nose and left the door cracked open. Tonight you are sleeping as a just turned seven year old.  Seven, your favorite number you told me this week, because you write it "just perfect."  

I cannot believe that seven years is how long I've been a momma.  That is only three years away from ten.  That is something I cannot even think about.  At least not now, not tonight.  Tonight I want to sit here and type my heart to you, thinking only of the now things.

Now, you are my sweet.  Now, your heart remains so tender and forgiving.  You see people and see their best.  When you see a need you are quick to try and meet it.  Like today, when you were building Lincoln Logs and sissy wanted to "help".  Your patience with her was remarkable.  You let her take the top off your house nearly ten times before you were able to direct her to her own building project. 

Now you are slow to anger, methodical in your management of frustration, and generous in your dealings with others.  Enviable traits to this momma of yours.  And so, I try to watch your strengths, your gifts and learn from them.  But they don't come naturally to me.  Not like you.  Forgive me for all the times I have failed in the ways you hardly will.

Now, you are into the trampoline, sword fights with friends, Mario with Daddy, reading with Mom, wrestling with Bubby, pizza parties, Popsicles, boogie boarding, Star Wars, dragons and friends.  Did I say friends yet?  Because boy do you love to play with friends.

Now you are not so into taking the dogs out to potty, eating rice, or beans, math flash cards, copy work, Mommy's long hikes, and only getting to play four tokens worth of Mario Brothers each day.
But these now things, they will change, shift as you grow.  I know that, I (sort of) accept that.  As much as I love the little boy I have right now, I will love the even bigger boy and then the man you will someday become just as much.  A momma's love just never stops growing.  Her heart always has room for more love.  Funny, right?

Because the thing that is true now and will be true later is that you are my son. My first born, the boy who generously let me learn how to be a mom, the boy who taught me what it means to have a mother's heart.  And that love will remain no matter what you do or who you become.  I love you Magoo.  I love you now and for all the tomorrows.
Happy Super Seventh birthday my boy!!! May the next year be filled to the brim with all the jumping, laughing, video gaming fun you can handle.  Jesus loves you and is with you for always- don't forget that.
I Love you forever, Momma


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