You, you who have been named by the world, labeled by others
or put into a box which demeans-
this is not your identity.
this is not your identity.
You, you who have put down, cursed out, and trampled under-
this is not your position.
this is not your position.
You, you who have been neglected, looked over and passed by-
this is not indicative of your worth.
this is not indicative of your worth.
You, you who have decided they must be right and have, with weary heart chosen to wear their ideas about you- even though a
tiny part of you still knows it is a shirt much too small, torn and stained-
this is not the end of your story.
this is not the end of your story.
You, you who have surrendered to the world, resolved to live
trampled, traded your value for a lie and walk with shame in a garment made for
a beggar-
this is not your calling,
this is not your destiny,
this is not how Jesus sees you.
this is not your calling,
this is not your destiny,
this is not how Jesus sees you.
Remember the guy from the lion’s den? Yeah, him, Daniel.
Well, the world renamed Daniel “Belteshazzar,” and tried to make him the slave
of a foreign king. But Daniel…
Daniel never doubted his identity as Child of God.
Daniel never doubted his position as Favored.
Daniel never wavered in his worth because he knew his worth was from a Heavenly King.
Daniel never feared the end of the story because he knew no matter what, His God would get the glory.
Daniel lived boldly in the face of naming, shaming and threat of punishment. He lived bold, even when he was afraid.
When Daniel was at his lowest, weary and trembling with
fear- an angel came to him and strengthened him. Strengthened him with just a touch of a hand and a few words. Words
of restored identity…
“He said, ‘O man, highly regarded
and greatly beloved, do not be afraid. Peace be to you; take courage and be
strong.’ Now when he had spoken to me, I was strengthened and said, ‘Let my
lord speak, for you have strengthened me.” –Daniel 10:19
I have never met an angel the type Daniel described, one dressed
in linen with loins girded in gold. But I have been strengthened with a word of
truth before. And I believe with all that is in me, truth in the face of lies
is the greatest use of words our mouths could ever utter. I want to give you some words I have experienced to be life giving truth-
You have been invited to wear the garments of not only
Daniel, highly regarded and greatly beloved, but of Jesus himself- whole,
worthy and without blemish. This is faith in the work of Christ, to trade in
all the muck of sin, all the labels of the world and all of the shame both
earned and bestowed for a true identity of Redeemed, Restored and New. In
Christ YOU are a New Creation, the old has gone and the new has come! (2 Cor
Today, as I give thanks for many things, I give thanks first
that Jesus has called me by my true name: His. If you, like me, as child of the King, need some reminding, here is your true identity-
You are Redeemed, who was named not enough.
You are Chosen, who was named rejected.
You are Beloved, who was named neglected.
You are Loved, who was named dirty.
You are Covered, who was named shameful.
You are Saved, who was named lost cause.
You are Seen, who was named alone.
You are Free, who was named locked up.
You are Perfect in Christ, who was named unworthy, hot mess,
promiscuous, obnoxious, loud, tease, ugly, stupid, mistake, unwanted, or _______________________.
(Fill in the blank with ANY name they have stuck on you, or maybe you willingly
put on but no longer want to own it.)
Today, I am covering with prayer and petition everyone whom
these words reach. They are not my words to give you. They are the very truth
of a Creator God who saw fit to make you, love you and draw you to Himself
forever by the good work of Christ. They are the words of The One who is just
waiting for you to reach out and take back your true name, to stand up straight
and own your true identity. No, I am not an angel and I cannot hug you like I
desire to hold you; like you need or deserve to be held. But I can offer to you
these words, on behalf of Truth: You are greatly desired, right now, just as
you are, no. matter. what.
Today I give thanks for you, you have breath in the
universe, you who God so desired to knit together with love, you who are highly regarded and greatly beloved.
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