Saturday, March 8, 2014

A hundred new hellos...

Today our Hawaii friends boarded a plane and headed for Japan.  A new journey, a new adventure is ahead of them.  We wish them a hundred new hellos in their new land.  We are grateful for the time we had with them and sad that it wasn't longer.  But that is the military way.  Making friends can be dangerous, just when you start to love 'em... you lose them.  Or they move a thousand miles away.  
It would be easy to put your guard up and just keep people away.  Why love if they are just going to leave?  Seems too painful.  Vulnerability is hard, even harder when relationship longevity is particularly precarious.  But, I am glad we took the risk with these guys.  It might have been a fast 8 months... but it was worth it.  Every trip to the beach, walk home from school, splash park adventure and early morning play date.... it was worth it.  And none of it would have happened if we would have said, "Why bother?  They are leaving soon anyways." 
I suppose that is why you let people in.  We never know how much time we have.  No day is a guarantee.  Investments are always risky, but when it comes to relationships, it seems far riskier to not take a chance.  Because loneliness is a certainty if you don't.  
Yeah, they are gone and we aren't neighbors anymore, but that isn't goodbye.  It is a see ya later... because you know we will try our hardest to make it to Japan for a visit!!!
See ya friends and thanks for the memories!!  

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